
Mrs. Donna Zeeh Chorley is a Master Instructor for the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, teaching ‘Ethics’ and ‘Strategic Procurement Planning’ across North America.
She also conducts (non-procurement) workshops on topics such as:

  • ‘Reframe Your Thoughts – Refresh Your Vision’
    Life throws us challenges and curves continually. This helps you decide how you view them, review them and Reframe them to be positive.
  • ‘Identity Theft – The Effects of Workplace Bullying
    The goal of the workshop is to understand the subject better and give people a way to refresh their vision and give them positive tools for their immediate future, whether they are being bullied, the bully or a bystander, an employer or employee. From the employers’ fiscal management perspective, the employer and employees can’t afford not to take this workshop.

Some comments from the “Identity Theft – Effects of Workplace Bullying” seminar

“Very informative. A course that promotes awareness that bullying does not only happen in the school yard.” R.D.

“It was very well organized and extensive. There were real life examples and scenarios (which were relatable). Workshops like this should be done in (more) workplaces.” T.O.

“I think this is a very important course and important for me to see things differently.” A.S.

“Very informative – can equate to all phases of life.”

These workshops range from a half day to full day session. Session speaking is also available.

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